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Mount Kenya National Park

Mount Kenya National Park

Straddling the equator, Mount Kenya National Park tempts travelers with a unique mosaic of moorland, forests, rocks. And the glittering twin peaks of Nelion and Batian at 5188 and 5199m respectively. This UNESCO World heritage site is the highest mountain in Kenya and a mecca for climbers.

This protected area is home to one of the highest Mountains in the World. This extinct volcano is about three and half million years old.

Although it’s known for the notable Mount Kenya, this protected area is home to some Wildlife that include Wild animals like black-fronted duiker, hyrax, suni, black rhino, white-tailed mongoose, giant forest hog, over 130 species of birds and the endemic mole rat.

The Park is also home to some of Kenya’s rare creatures including the massive forest antelope, the elusive bongo and more. With its 450 kg, the bongo is the largest and rarest antelope in Kenya. Leopards, lions and serval cats are also common in the Park suburbs.

With a reserve that covers a total area of 2.095km, Mount Kenya’s lush habitats is composed of bamboo, alpine moorlands, glaciers, tarns, higher forests, lobelias and glacial moraines.

Usually trekkers come across the large animals such as elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards and various antelope species in the lower-altitude forest zones of the Park.

What to do in the Park

Mountain Climbing

To most travelers particularly adventurers, the main reason for a trip to Mount Kenya National Park is Mount climbing. There are about seven routes that lead to the top of the Mountain.

Of all routes, Naro Moru is the easiest and takes about four days. Other routes used are Sirimon and Chogoria and the summit circuit path.

At 4.895m, Point Lenana is the third peak in the Park and is the easily accessed for all trekkers. The adventure lasts for about a week and the best time for the trekking adventures is from late August to September and mid-January to February (dry season).

Game Viewing

If Mountain climbing don’t appeal, Mountain Kenya National Park is also famous for game viewing.

Wildlife addicts are delighted by incredible sights of abundant wild animals such as elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, serval cats, Cape buffalo, suni, side-striped jackal, eland, duiker, olive baboon, black and white colobus monkey, and Sykes monkey, lion, leopard, elephant, East African wild dog and more.

Cave Exploration.

Located near Nanyuki in the Naro Moru forest at the foothills of Mount Kenya, the Mau Mau cave resulted from the volcanic activity that occurred millions years ago when lava cooled and solidified into rock sediments. Because of their historic relevance, these caves are now a must on most customized itineraries to the Park.

These caves were used as hideouts by freedom fighters from the British soldiers. They are located at the foothills of Mountain Kenya.

Mau Mau soldiers used it as a military base from 1953 to 1959. Later the British soldiers discovered the location and tried to bomb the caves. After bombing, the Mau Mau decided to shift to another location.

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