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Situated right at the heart of Africa and within the reach of the equator. Uganda is the true definition of a top destination.

The country is smaller than many African countries, yet where it lacks in size she makes up for in safari splendor. With a network of natural features entailing rolling hills, dense green woods and open savannah plains. In the event that you would want to spend some holidays in Africa, Uganda Adventure safaris are the perfect way to do that.

Uganda is a basket of many attractive and phenomenal mind blowing sites. That constantly work together to help her maintain her title as “the pearl of Africa”.

We are talking about the land with the longest River in the world, the largest tropical fresh water lake in the world. The third highest mountain on the continent, the largest volcanic mountain base in the world and even allegedly, the second deepest lake in the entire world.

In addition, Uganda presents a lot of opportunities for Adventure safari tours owing to the fact. That it has about ten national parks with outstanding wildlife species like mountain gorillas, golden monkeys, Burchell’s Zebras, Defassa water-buck, Rothschild’s giraffes, L’ Hoest’s monkeys and all the members of the Big 5 (Elephants, Lions, Buffalos, Leopards and Rhinos; both black and white) among other animals. Special birds include; Shoebill stork, gray crowned crane and blue turaco among others.

Furthermore; Africa tours adventure in Uganda  never restricted to game viewing and birding. But are quite packed with a series of safari activities that perhaps, you never thought to even try.

For example; as though exploring the islands of Lake Bunyonyi in a dugout canoe might seem rather frightening. It actually is one of the most exhilarating yet relaxing adventure safaris activity.  You might wonder at how many people travel to Uganda to be apart of this experience.

Other interesting safari activities include hiking and nature walks, an array of water sports on the Nile such as White water rafting, Kayaking, jet boating and bungee jumping and cultural encounters.

The Ugandan folk are warm, hospitable and quite eager to offer assistance. Cultural experiences on Africa Adventure safaris in Uganda are the perfect way to meet the natives. Taste some local cuisines and perhaps dance to a few folk tunes.

How to get to Uganda:

First of all, Uganda is an African country so let us start with the basics. For any traveler eager to enjoy a safari in the land of wildlife goodness, you will have to book a flight to Africa; specifically Uganda.

The major operating airport connecting to the outside world is Entebbe International Airport where your aircraft will most likely land. Upon arrival you can basically go anywhere you want or get picked up by your travel agency depending on your arrangement.

Places to visit in Uganda.

Uganda is indeed a box of safari splendor and we could never exhaust the delight it offers but here is a pick of our top must see/ visit spots:

  • Bwindi impenetrable national park: Blooming with a bird count of 346 species, the Bwindi forest is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. It has protected plant and wildlife dating back to the end of the ice age. Yes, it is that old. The park is also home to the humbling mountain gorillas.
  • Queen Elizabeth National Park: With a rare display of tree climbing Lions, this park is definitely a must visit. Queen Elizabeth is also home to the Kazinga Channel, the dwelling place of half of the world’s Nile crocodiles and…you guessed right; the perfect place for a boat cruise.
  • Jinja; the safari hub of the east: We guarantee that all water mayhem starts in Jinja, a small city captivated by industry yet so vibrant in social life. Jinja is where you will witness the source of River Nile before following the its course to have a go at water sports like Kayaking, white water rafting and bungee jumping among the rest.
  • Murchison Falls National Park: Yes, the popular Murchison falls found in this park. But that isn’t all. See this park also harbors four of the Big 5, that is; Leopard, Buffalo, Elephants and Lions along with an enchanting voyage to the base of the falls.
  • Lake Bunyonyi: believed to be the second deepest lake in Africa, Lake Bunyonyi is abounding in raw wild charm. The lake surrounded by a series of intertwining hills as its surface adorned with 20 islands; the perfect spot for canoeing.
  • Semliki National Park: the smallest park in Uganda and yet the most promising birding spot in the country. The park has a total bird count of 441 species; 40% of the country’s total bird species and 60% of the country’s forest birds.
  • Kidepo Valley National Park: “the wild west” of Uganda; except in this case it is located in the north. Characterized by dry semi arid plains, open savannah coupled with intriguing tree species and some unusual wildlife like the Kavirondo Bush baby; Kidepo Valley National Park is a must visit.
  • Mountain Rwenzori: Famously known as “the mountains of the moon”, Mountain Rwenzori is Africa’s third highest mountain range and the highest point in Uganda. If you are a lover of adventure, you will find the snow glistering glaciers on the summit of this mountain quite remarkable.

Why opt for a Uganda safari?

For all the tales told and Uganda safari adventure experiences written. None could ever beat the memories you create for yourself. We believe that you need to be a part of the safari family…apart of Uganda Adventure safaris. Telling your story and sharing your experience when you get back home. True, Africa is the home of wonder, thrill and wild safari escapades. But we guarantee you that none beats adventure safari tours in Uganda.

Share your experience of how you battled the Nile, the longest river in Africa, on a white water rafting adventure. Almost fearing for your life or how you jumped off a 44 meter high cliff with fingers crossed behind your back and hoping the bungee cord doesn’t let loose.

We know that even years after your Uganda safari, you will still hear the sound of heavy smashing of the Murchison falls as they hit layers of rock.

So yes, definitely you should visit Uganda because experiences like these can only be found here; a gallant cruise on the Kazinga Channel with half the world’s population of Nile crocodiles or a trekking adventure to find the rare and endangered mountain gorillas. There are so many countries and places to see in Africa. But we know that an African safari spent in Uganda is a safari well spent.

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