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Canopy Walk at Nyungwe National Park

10 Day Explore Rwanda Safari

Canopy Walk at Nyungwe National Park

Canopy Walk at Nyungwe  National Park is one of the most unique unforgettable Tourist activity in this park, this experience gives our visitors the most stunning overview of the entire Nyungwe mist-covered forests. The Canopy walk at Nyungwe National Park done on a suspended metallic bridge above a deep and narrow gorge in the middle of a dense tropical rain forests which is raised 70 meters high above the forest ground and 160 meters long. This  is a very exciting guided tourist activity in Nyungwe National Park that provides great views of tree tops and Wildlife encounters within the park.

About Nyungwe National Park

Nyungwe National Park  one of the ancient and largest tropical and montane rain forests in Africa situated  in a vast area of steep slopes in the Great Rift Valley of Rwanda, the park greatly boasts with rich biodiversity of incredible plant and wildlife species that feature a considerable population of Chimpanzees and 13 other primate species such as the rare L’Hoest’s monkey that are endemic to the Albertine rift and abundant bird life.

The Park’s central ridge divides the two largest drainage systems in Africa (Nile & Congo River).

With its source of the World’s longest river in the slopes of Mount Bigugu, Nyungwe is an important area in Rwanda that supplies water to 70% of the country.

Nyungwe appreciated by travelers for many reasons; one of them is its rich biodiversity that consists of over 120 butterfly species, more than 1050 plant species including 250 Albertine Rift Endemics and 200 orchids.

Other than flora, Nyungwe is home to vertebrate fauna embodying 38 reptiles, 85 mammals, 310 species of birds (15% are Albertine Rift Endemics) and 32 amphibians.

On top of that, this Park is a legendary when it comes to primate safaris in Rwanda. Over 13 species of primates inhabit the lush habitats in Nyungwe including the Chimpanzees.

Canopy walk is a non-strenuous walking adventure that takes roughly two hours with its major starting point from Uwinka reception hiking along the rated easy 2.1 km long Igishingishi trail or other Nyungwe hiking trails such as the Umuyove or Imbaraga trails.

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