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Wildlife in Uganda

Wildlife in Uganda

Uganda has been time and again discussed due to its exotic climate and rich wildlife. It was no doubt that it is indeed the “Pearl of Africa”, as Winston Churchill once called it. Uganda has an expanse of wildlife it has mammals, hills, mountains, valleys, rivers, channels, gorges, birds, lakes, savanna grasslands, swamps, clumps, floras, woodlands, rain forests, plateaus, reptiles, among others.

It has over ten national parks and and thirteen wildlife reserves. With all species of mammals, birds and reptiles across the country the recorded species of mammals have been 345 and 1020 species of birds.  Uganda national parks include Queen Elizabeth national park popularly known for its tree climbing lions. Murchison falls national park known for its kabalega falls, Kidepo valley national park, Lake Mburo national park to mention but a few. Uganda is one of the country offering best safaris to all sorts of travelers.

Mammals include gorillas, chimpanzees, lions, leopards, hippos, cheetahs, kobs, antelopes, buffalos, warthogs, elephants, the wild beasts, and many more. The reptiles include snakes, frogs, fish, and dolphins, And birds include ostriches, peacocks, and hens, flamingos, swans, cranes, hornbills,  to mention but a few.

The best time to travel to Uganda is in the dry seasons from June- August. And November to March in order to witness these living things in their habitats and their families. Before the rain keep them away and hidden in rainy seasons.

The other wildlife in Uganda include lakes which are also a sight to behold; since there are freshwater earth fish lakes like Victoria the second largest lake in the whole world, the lakes Edward and Gorge too, plus the longest River in the world, River Nile, different Valleys and rifts, ports and gorges among others.

The amazing Murchison Falls, different mountains such as the Elgon and Ruwenzori respectively. The beautiful towns and cities, different mining centers, and all these for you to see and behold In Uganda. I assure you cannot regret coming to Uganda at any one bit.

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