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Samburu National Reserve

Samburu National Reserve

Located in Samburu County, Samburu National Reserve is one of the smallest parks in Kenya. It stretches along the country’s biggest northern river “Ewaso Nyiro River”. This 165 square kilometers reserve is about 350 kilometers from Nairobi. It isn’t more known to travelers, but offers an unmatched authentic and wilderness experience.

The reserve protected locale is one of the two areas in which conservationists George and Joy Adamson raised Elsa the Lioness who was famous in the best-selling book and award-winning movie Born Free. The Elephant Watch Camp lies within the Park and managed by Saba Douglas Hamilton.

The reserve’s altitude ranges from 800 to 1230m above sea level, it consists of riverine forests and palm groves. Nights in the park are usually cool and hot during day mostly in the dry season.

The arid and semi-arid ecosystems form the magnificent landscape of the Park. Samburu’s vast expanse of pristine wilderness in inhabited by diverse Wildlife.

What to do in the Park

Game Drive

For best views of the Samburu’s panorama, don’t hesitate to embark the pop up roof Safari vehicle for game drives around the Park’s suburbs. These excursions conducted during day and night.

All drivers are required to follow the well-established routes as the tourists take in the sweeping views of wild animals. The winding tracks close to the meandering river are roamed by a pride of lions, elephants and antelopes.

Walking and Mountain Bike Safaris

The Park offer an opportunity for tourists to explore its natural scenery on foot or by mountain bikes. During these safaris, you will see a number of wild animals and birds including the migrant species.

Cultural Tours

Samburu National Reserve is a magnet for culture lovers. These tours awards travelers a chance to learn more about the interesting culture of the Samburu people. You will discover their nomadic way of life and as well participate in numerous activities such as milking goats, making traditional ornaments and cattle rearing.

Camel Riding Safaris

Camel riding is a must if you want to discover Samburu’s Wildlife in a different way. Don’t miss to get close to the Wild animals like elephants, Zebras, giraffes, ostrich and more as there are enjoying their natural habitats. This is a perfect alternative if game driving is not your thing.

Bird Watching.

Samburu has a lot for birders. It is recorded with 400 species of birds, therefore it is no wonder that thousands of bird watchers check in to the Park per year.

Some of the usual bird species in Samburu include vulturine guineafowl, yellow-necked spur fowl, lilac-breasted roller, secretary bird, superb starling, northern red-billed hornbill, yellow-billed hornbill, and various vultures including the palm-nut vulture, bee-eaters, sunbirds, grey-headed kingfisher, Marabou stork, tawny eagle and bateleur.

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