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Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Gorilla trekking in Africa a bucket-list adventure that allows you to encounter endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitats. The main destinations for gorilla trekking are Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Each offering unique experiences and challenges:

Rwanda – Volcanoes National Park

Location: Volcanoes National Park located in the Virunga Mountains in northern Rwanda. About a 2-3 hour drive from the capital city, Kigali.

Gorilla Groups: There are several habituated gorilla groups available for trekking. With each group visited by a limited number of tourists per day.

Accessibility: Accessible from Kigali by road. Making it convenient for visitors arriving by air.

Permits: Gorilla trekking permits issued by the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) and should be booked well in advance due to high demand.

Experience: Treks in Rwanda often involve shorter hikes compared to other countries. But the terrain still  challenging with steep slopes and dense vegetation.

Uganda – Bwindi Impenetrable National Park & Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park:

Location: Located in southwestern Uganda, Bwindi renowned for its dense forests and is home to about half of the world’s mountain gorilla population.

Gorilla Groups: Bwindi has several habituated gorilla families spread across different sectors, offering varied trekking experiences.

Accessibility: Accessible by road from Kampala or Entebbe, with domestic flights available to nearby towns like Kihihi and Kisoro.

Permits: Gorilla trekking permits  issued by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and should be booked well in advance.

Experience: Trekking in Bwindi involves more challenging terrain compared to Rwanda, with longer hikes and potentially steeper slopes.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park:

Location: Located in southwestern Uganda, Mgahinga part of the Virunga Mountains and shares a border with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Gorilla Groups: Mgahinga has one habituated gorilla family that occasionally moves between Uganda, Rwanda, and DRC.

Accessibility: Accessible by road from Kampala or Entebbe, with domestic flights available to Kisoro.

Permits: Gorilla trekking permits are also issued by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and should be booked in advance.

Experience: Trekking in Mgahinga offers a unique opportunity to track gorillas in a smaller, less crowded park with stunning volcanic landscapes.

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – Virunga National Park

Location: Virunga National Park  located in eastern DRC, near the border with Uganda and Rwanda.

Gorilla Groups: Virunga has several habituated gorilla families available for trekking, offering a more rugged and adventurous experience.

Accessibility: Accessible from Goma or Bukima via road, with flights available to Goma from major cities in DRC.

Permits: Gorilla trekking permits issued by the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) and should be arranged through authorized tour operators.

Experience: Trekking in Virunga more challenging due to security concerns in the region, but it offers a truly remote and wild experience with the opportunity to see gorillas in a less visited setting.

Gorilla trekking in Africa offers an incredible opportunity to witness these endangered primates up close in their natural habitats, providing a memorable and conservation-conscious adventure.

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